Thursday, April 7, 2011

assignment #3

Marina Neofitos  Doubts raise – Assignment #3
Per  7

On this article it talks about a man that  was  given a story about how he flew around hiromgima and saw the bombing and different areas of the country. Later on people argued that this in face was not true and that it never happened. He latet then passed away and his wife and other people that where close to him talked about how he is not a lier and that whatever he did actually did happening to him and that he  was the truth
He lived a legacy of traveling through different countries and seeing the different sights. He later on was on the site after and beiofre the bombing of asia thorugh American power.  He had an interview and eve3ryone talked about how they think  about it and he got interviews on it
Everyone  has talked about how they thnk this is all fake and that he was lying just to get the famous part out it all. I don’t think its true because who would make something like that made up.  It just ridiculous that someone would say that someone made that up. Everything should just blow over at the very end

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