Monday, April 4, 2011

4.4.11 - Article Assignment #1

VANCOUVER, British Columbia

   In this article it talks about a family that worked hard to get where they are. These people struggles through a lot. They first started with them working hard and trying to get through the hard economy. From them they went into a small apartment. This was hard, one of the kids just wanted to do snow sports. This was hard because they didnt have that kind of money to get through it all. 
   Later on they opened their own fresh market grocery store and ate whatever they didnt sell. Then after the one kid went through the hard work of trying to get the professional snow sport. With this they trained everyday with to get with the top. This was hard with trying to run the besuiness and different thing. Later the person tore one of their bones making them hard to do sports. Then they met a thearapist where it was all fixed and a year later everything was back on track.

    After that they knew that everything would be ok, and everything is now better and for the good of everything. Later on they saw eachother at the farmers market. The market that the Pin's had gotten off the ground and that have made a great life out of it. they  say for a family from Canada they did very good with making it all work at the very end of the day.

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