Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What's Happening in the world, Article 1. 3/29/11

       Killings in the Middle East and how it is in American Middle East Culture 

   It's kind of interesting to think think that most American kids come to school, complain and go home to their snobby lives. Mostly everyone in American does it. I do it. Everyone does it. 2nd period, Geography class. All we do is hear boring movies about the Middle East and have to memorize a map of it. But do we really honestly know what is actually going on there? Do we really understand that families there live day by day not knowing if they will live to see the next day? That everyday is a survival from their religion, families and government?
     Sharia is a form of torture in the Middle East. It is used when woman do something that is against the Muslim religion. This varies from woman getting their nose cut off, ears, fingers, and even getting whipped 101 times in front of their whole village. Then you wonder if sitting in an air conditioned class room is really that bad? 
    Usually when this happens the female is taken to the hospital from the intense injuries. Where later on the villagers say it is a form of suicide upon the person. Most families either neglect the truth or are too scared from what the government will actually think of them. Even if the government comes into their village in the middle of the night and murders families in whole. Their is no escaping this vile torture that comes with the middle east. 

   This article was reported by A 14 year old girl was tortured brutally for having an affair with a married man in her village. 

  So then you wonder, these different cultures can immigrate to The United States. When you bring your family from a different country in, of course the culture is going to follow. Do these things happen in American too? The country America is at war with, their traditions in its own streets. 
   There are different ogranization groups in American that are for Sharia (the brutual torture) and even some cases have been filed about the beatings of Muslim Americans. (Most of these stories would be by far too inappropriate for this blog post.)

   So what happens now? We go on with our day to day lives. Knowing that the woman in the Middle East are struggling with their lives day by day. Trying to stay alive for their children. The children I am sure they love but where forced to have. We sit in Geography class, bored out of our minds, hearing these stories. Paying money for the paper we are going to use to do a crossword puzzle on for the middle east. Why don't we use that money to help? Why do we get to sit their and do nothing, just because we live on different parts of this world? We are all the same species, as a species shouldn't we be helping each other? 
   People may argue that the war over there is the reason for these crimes, but is it really? It is kind of ridiculous to think that peace should come from war. Peace for war is like taking a shower without water, its not possible. its not. So really, these people need help, the young girls need help. I think these are the kind of issues we should bring to class, and not be asking where we think this country is on a map. We should be learning about our better life. What we should cherish and not worry about the grade we get either. For us to become a better person.

  Where these brutal crimes happen. In the Middle Eastern countries. 

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