Thursday, February 17, 2011

     " The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think. " ~Author Unknown

  What does this exactly say about women? That an average woman cares about her appereance more than she actually cares about about having a brain..has that changed? I think so. But not in a complete way. A girl will be a girl always, no matter what. They like to look nice and all that stuff. But a  woman grows out of these kind of things and gets bored of her "image" and says to herself...I need change. I can't be sitting here all day thinking about how I look, why don't i grow a brain.
        40 years ago a woman did two thing. Made sure the house was clean, and made babies. So say people. They never wanted to work because their husband was always there to help them. People seem to forget that, that was before a RECESSION. To make it now you need to step up your game for a female, let the rules be shown.
It is just as a easy for a woman to get an education now as it is for a man. What stopping woman? the fact that they think they have to be this stay at home woman now. Its not true, men cant provide as much a they all could of 40 years before. I know this is weird coming from a 15 year old, but its just how i view it all.
Right ok, even if a woman stayed home all day, do u think a man can provide as much as they could before? i dont think so, i understand materninty leave and all that shabang...but why does a woman really have to stay the whole time and provide for her family?
All in all, what we can get out of this is, i hate when girls act stupid. i just do. that is one of the most unclassy things a girl can do...why would someone even want to listen to an idiot? a down right idiot? Woman today vs 40 years ago...most of them become indendent..the rest..working as cookie cutter moms. Joy.

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